Monday, March 1, 2010

Breakfasts and Wraps!

I have to admit i'm not too creative with breakfast...but i can't help that i like yogurt + fruit + larabar combos so much! But this week i decided to add toast to the mix..

Some delicious flaxseed bread toasted with natural peanut butter and unpasterized honey! soooo good. oh and a pear :)

Another typical breakie: plain organic yogurt with honey and a larabar!

And now for the most amazing wrap ever! This one is on white pita but normally i have it on whole grain :)

All it is is lettuce, avocado, goat's cheese, olive oil, and balsamic vinegar. but the combination of it all is sososoosoooo good!

Look at that close up of goodness!

Alright have to wrap this up 'cause The Bachelor Season Finale is on and as much as I hate to admit it, I'm glued to the screen when it's on! hahaha. happy monday everyone!! xxo