Monday, February 22, 2010

Gahhh i've had a rough week. i've been feeling sicker than usual, and been super weak. my bp is also lowish (when isn't it?). it's hard to keep up with the no preservative/no refined sugars diet when feeling crappy. it's so easy to just throw a frozen dinner in the microwave for a few minutes, but washing and shredding lettuce, cutting up avocado, tomatoes and making homemade salad dressing for your salad can seem like an impossible feat when when you feel like death. but i've managed to stick with it..and have relied a lot on just plan fruits and veggies, along with nuts and seeds. here's a yummy breakfast from a couple days ago!

cinnamon oats with raisins :) simple but good!

i juiced a few lemons and drank the juice straight for the vitamin c, and because lemon juice supposedly can dissolve kidney stones (i had an ultrasound back in october and the doctor said she saw a stone in each kidney on it) not sure i've done it quite a few times, and i'm not sure if it works, but i guess i'll find out when i have my follow up ultrasound in april!

Annnd my lovely mom picked up a couple things for me from the Natural Food Pantry including: Jennies Coconut Macaroons- these things are TO DIE FOR. Sooooo good. and only 3 ingredients! (coconut, honey, egg whites) (Also got a ton of Cliff bars from the states. the bff went down and picked a bunch up for me over Reading Week)

That's all i have to share for now! I need to get some sleep. it's 3 in the morning! ahhh! night lovelys! xxo

1 comment:

  1. Hey hun! I'm sorry youve not been feeling well :( Hopefully youre feeling better by now..and good on you for sticking to your eats despite not feeling great!

    Those goodies look AMAZING! I L O V E LOVEE Clif bars!! I get them at Costco or Superstore for cheap ;) Never seen the Chocolate Brownie though...OR the White Chocolate Luna!! *Sigh* they have all the good stuff down in the States :(

    OH before I forget, they granola was SUPER easy to make! My only complaint was the lack of clusters...which could probs be fixed with a stickier component (honey or something)...but yeah, super easy and SUPER yum!

    Take care hun, and get better soon!
